University of Waterloo

Location: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Credit Conversion: .5 there = 3 semester units at UM

General Notes: "A" has a range from 100% to 80%, 80% to 70% for B, and therefore the minimum transfer requirement of C- of a Waterloo course is above 60%.

Evaluated Courses and UM Equivalencies

Subject # Title (Credits) Online UM Subject Catalog Credits Expires Backpack
ARTS 190 First-Year Topics in Arts Disciplines (3) Not Transferable 12-31-33 Add
CO 250 Introduction to Optimization (.5) IOE 310 3 08-31-31 Add
CS 115 Introduction to Computer Science 1 (3) ENGR
The course covers programming in Racket, but not C/C++ or Matlab. It is given at a level comparable to UM intro programming courses, but the functional paradigm of Racket is not sufficiently close to the imperative languages taught in ENGR 101 for equivalency. Approved for dept. credit.
100-level dept 3 08-31-31 Add
CS 116 Advanced Introduction to Computer Science 1 (3) ENGR
The course can count for ENGR101 credit, but not as a pre-req for EECS 280. The course covers the programming language Python, is not C/C++, and is given at a level that is roughly equivalent to ENGR 101.
100-level dept 3 08-31-26 Add
CS 135 Introduction to Computer Science II (3) EECS 100-level dept 3 08-31-26 Add
CS 137 Programming Principles (.5) Not Transferable
Not transferable if taken alone. See CS 137 + CS 138.
08-31-31 Add
CS 137+138 Programming Principles + Introduction to Data Abstraction and Implementation (.5) EECS 183 4 08-31-31 Add
ECE 103 Discrete Mathematics for Engineers () Not Transferable for Math
The provided information is insufficient to determine what is covered in this course, other than that it is clearly not 425 (the material is not mathematical probability).
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
12-31-24 Add
ECE 106 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM (3) PHYSICS 240, 241 3 06-01-27 Add
ECE 108 Discrete Math and Logic 1 (3) EECS 203 3 08-31-32 Add
ECE 124 Digital Circuits and Systems (3) EECS
The class is strong but covers VHDL, not Verilog. That's going to be an issue in EECS 373 and a larger issue in 470.
270 3 12-31-31 Add
ECE 140 Linear Circuits (3) EECS 215 3 12-31-31 Add
ECE 150 Fundamentals of Programming (3) EECS
Credit for only one: EECS 183 or ENGR 101
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
183 3 04-14-22 Add
ECE 190 Engineering Profession and Practice (1.5) Not Transferable 12-31-31 Add
ECE 192 Engineering Economics and Impact on Society (1.5) Not Transferable 08-31-32 Add
ECE 192 Engineering Economics and Impact on Society (3) Not Transferable
Not transferable to ECON.
08-31-33 Add
ECE 205 Advanced Calculus 1 for Electrical and Computer Engineers () MATH
For reevaluation requests, submit detailed topic list or exams directly to U-M Math Department.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 12-31-24 Add
ECE 222 Digital Computers (3) EECS 200-level dept 3 12-31-31 Add
ECE 250 Digital Computers (3) EECS 200-level dept 3 08-31-32 Add
MATH 115 Linear Algebra () MATH 200-level dept 12-31-25 Add
MATH 116 Calculus 1 () MATH
The material covered in the course omits significant components of the University of Michigan mathematics course. For example, the course does not cover the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in an applied context.
100-level dept 10-14-25 Add
MATH 117 + 118 Calculus 1 for Engineering + Calculus 2 for Engineering (.5 + .5) MATH 116 4 12-31-28 Add
MATH 117 Calculus 1 for Engineering () MATH
For reevaluation requests, submit detailed topic list or exams directly to U-M Math Department.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 12-31-24 Add
MATH 118 Calculus 2 for Engineering (.5) MATH 100-level dept 3 12-31-28 Add
MATH 119 Calculus II for Engineering () MATH
This does not match a course that is offered at the University of Michigan.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 12-31-24 Add
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences () MATH 100-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH 135 Algebra for Honours Mathematics () MATH 201 12-31-26 Add
MATH 136 Linear Algebra 1 for Honours Mathematics () MATH 200-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH 137 () MATH 100-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH 138 () MATH 100-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH 215 Linear Algebra for Engineering () MATH
For reevaluation requests, submit detailed topic list or exams directly to U-M Math Department.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 12-31-24 Add
MATH 237 Calculus 3 for Honours Mathematics () MATH 200-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH ACTSC 232 Life Contingencies 1 () MATH 520 12-31-26 Add
SE 101 Introduction to Methods of Software Engineering (.25) Not Transferable
Intro to Engin courses are never transferable.
08-31-31 Add
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