University of Canterbury

Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Credit Conversion: 15 there = 3.75 here

General Notes: "1 or below" is below a "C" and therefore not transferable.

IPE Partner School

Evaluated Courses and UM Equivalencies

Subject # Title (Credits) Online UM Subject Catalog Credits Expires Backpack
ARTH 112 Art and Things: introduction to Art History and Material Culture (15) HISTART 100-level dept 3.75 12-31-33 Add
BIOL 111 Cellular Biology and Biochemistry (15) BIOLOGY 100-level dept 3.75 08-31-25 Add
CHEM 343 Materials Science and Nanotechnology (15) Not Transferable
Should not be evaluated by MATSCIE.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
08-31-24 Add
CHEM 343 Materials Science and Nanotechnology (15) BIOMEDE
Can be counted towards a concentration elective for any of the BME tracks per rjpatt 7/18/18.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 3.75 08-31-24 Add
CLAS 120 People, Places and Histories of the Graeco-Roman World (15) CLCIV 300-level dept 3.75 12-31-33 Add
COSC 121-16S1 Introduction to Computer Programming (15) EECS
Not equivalent to EECS 280, & does not have any programming experience as a prerequisite. Not EECS 285 either.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 2 10-10-22 Add
COSC 261 Formal Languages and Compilers (15) EECS
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 3.75 08-31-24 Add
COSC 363 Computer Graphics (15) Not Transferable 12-31-33 Add
COSC 421 Advanced Topics in Security (15) CSE 400-level dept 3.75 12-31-33 Add
ECON 104 Introduction to Microeconomics (15) ECON
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
101 3.75 08-31-24 Add
ECON 105 Introduction to Macroeconomics (15) ECON
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
102 3.75 08-31-24 Add
ENCE 361 Embedded Systems 1 (15) EECS 300-level dept 3.75 12-31-33 Add
ENCH 291 Mass and Energy Balances (15) CHE
4 units per ChE Department
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
230 4 12-31-24 Add
ENCH 296 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (15) CEE
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
230 3 08-31-24 Add
ENCH 296 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (15) CEE
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
230 3 08-31-24 Add
ENCH 296 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (15) Not Transferable to MECHENG
Not equivalent to MECHENG 235. All the cycles (power gas, vapour, refrigeration) are missing. No ME dept credit given.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
08-21-22 Add
ENCH 391 Process Systems and Control (15) Not Transferable 08-31-32 Add
ENCH 392 Thermodynamics and Chemical Reaction Engineering (15) CHE 300-level dept 3 08-31-25 Add
ENCN 231 Solid Mechanics (15) MECHENG
In order for this course to be re-evaluated as MECHENG 211, please send a week-by-week breakdown of the topics covered in lecture to
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
211 4 08-21-22 Add
ENEL 270 Principles of Electronics and Devices (15) EECS
In order for this course to be re-evaluated as EECS 311, please send examples of exams to
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
311 3.75 08-31-23 Add
ENEL 280 Principles of Electrical Systems (15) EECS
Not equivalent to either EECS 463 or EECS 419. This can be departmental credit. In order for this course to be re-evaluated as EECS dept level, please send examples of exams, assignments, projects to
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 3.75 08-31-23 Add
ENEL 321 Control Systems (15) EECS
In order for this course to be evaluated as EECS 460, please send examples of exams to
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
460 3.75 08-31-23 Add
ENEL 373 Digital Electronics and Devices (15) Not Transferable
In order for the course to be evaluated as EECS 270, please submit examples of exams to
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
08-31-23 Add
ENEL 382-17S1 Electric Power and Machines (15) Not transferable 08-31-33 Add
ENEL 422 Communications Engineering (15) Not Transferable
In order for this course to be evaluated as EECS 455, please send examples of exams to
08-31-33 Add
ENEL 422 Communications Engineering (15) EECS
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
455 3.75 08-31-23 Add
ENEL 480 Electrical Power Systems (15) EECS 400-level dept 3.75 08-31-34 Add
ENEL 491-17S1 Nano Engineered Electronic Devices (15) EECS 400-level dept 3.75 08-31-34 Add
ENME 203 Dynamics and Vibrations (15) MECHENG
In order to make up the remaining 0.25 credits for MECHENG 240, email for further information and instructions.
240 3.75 08-31-34 Add
ENME 207 Materials Science and Engineering (15) MATSCIE
4 credits approved per MATSCIE Department. In order for this course to be re-evaluated as MATSCIE 220 or 250, please email examples of exams, assignments, or projects and a detailed syllabus containing weekly topics covered.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
220 (or 250) 4 08-31-22 Add
ENME 303 Controls and Vibrations (15) MECHENG 360 3.75 08-31-34 Add
ENME 307 Performance of Engineering Materials (15) MATSCIE
Changed to dept credit 4-14-21.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
400-level dept 3.75 12-31-24 Add
ENME 313 Electro Technology for Mechanical Engineers (3) EECS 314 3.75 08-31-25 Add
ENME 314 Fluid Mechanics (15) MECHENG 320 3 12-31-32 Add
ENME 315 Heat Transfer (15) MECHENG 335 3 08-31-32 Add
ENME 402 Advanced Vibrations and Acoustics (15) MECHENG 400-level dept 3.75 12-31-32 Add
ENME 418 Engineering Management and Professional Practice for Mechanical Engineers (15) Not Transferable
This course is not appropriate for technical elective credit.
08-31-32 Add
FORE 111 Trees, Forests and the Environment (15) ENVIRON
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 3.75 08-31-24 Add
GEOL 244 Structural Geology and Global Geophysics (15) EARTH
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
351 3.75 08-31-24 Add
HIST 398 Elephants and Empires: An Environmental History of Ancient to Modern India (15) HISTORY
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 3.75 SS 08-31-24 Add
MAOR 107 (or PACS 102) Aotearoa: Introduction to Traditional Maori Society (15) INTERHUM
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 3.75 HU 08-31-24 Add
MAOR 108 Aotearoa: Introduction to New Zealand Treaty Society (15) INTERHUM
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 3.75 HU 08-31-24 Add
MAOR 172 Science, Maori and Indigenous Knowledge (15) INTERHUM
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 3.75 HU 08-31-24 Add
MAOR 268 Kiriata: Maori film and Media (15) INTERHUM 200-level dept 3.75 12-31-33 Add
MATH 201 Multivariable Calculus (15) MATH 215 3.75 12-31-25 Add
MATH 202 Differential Equations (15) MATH
Course may omit nonlinear systems and linearization of nonlinear systems. Cannot tell details on phase plane coverage. In order for this course to be re-evaluated, please email examples of exams, assignments, projects as well as a detailed course syllabus containing weekly topics covered.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 3.75 08-16-22 Add
MATH 203 Linear Algebra (15) MATH 214 3.75 12-31-25 Add
MATH 302 Partial Differential Equations (15) MATH
Please submit additional materials, such as exams, homework, etc. to the Math Department for re-evaluation.
200-level dept 3.75 12-31-25 Add
PROD 110 Product Design Principles (15) ARTDES 100-level dept 3.75 08-31-31 Add
PROD 223 Immersive Game Design (15) CSE 400-level dept 3.75 08-31-32 Add
RUS 130 Elementary Russian Language A (15) RUSSIAN 100-level dept 3.75 08-31-34 Add
SCIM 101 Science, Maori and Indigenous Knowledge (15) INTERID 300-level dept 3.75 HU 08-31-32 Add
SOCI 111 Exploring Society (15) SOC 200-level dept 3.75 08-31-31 Add
SPCO 126 Land Journeys and Ethics (15) ENVIRON
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 3.75 08-31-24 Add
SPCO 208 Sport and Culture in New Zealand (15) SOC 300-level dept 3.75 HU 08-31-32 Add
STAT 101 Statistics 1 (15) Not Transferable to EECS
Course does not have substantial overlap with our probability course, EECS 301. Not transferable to EECS credit. It is likely that we would allow this course to count as FLEX TECH credits for EE majors.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
10-03-22 Add
STAT 101 Statistics I (15) STATS 100-level dept 3.75 08-31-25 Add
STAT 201 Applied Statistics (15) Not Transferable to EECS
This is a statistics course. Not EECS 301 or EECS Dept. credit. While EECS 301 is a course on probability there is not much overlap between these two courses.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
11-02-22 Add
STAT 221 Introduction to Statistical Computing Using R (15) STATS 200-level dept 3.75 08-31-34 Add
STATS 221 Introduction to Statistical Computing Using R (15) Not Transferable to EECS
This is a statistics course that appears to have little in common with EECS 301, which is a course on probability. We would accept this course as a Flexible Technical Elective for EE majors.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
10-05-22 Add
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