University of Western Ontario

Location: London, Ontario, Canada

Evaluated Courses and UM Equivalencies

Subject # Title (Credits) Online UM Subject Catalog Credits Expires Backpack
1225B Methods of Calculus () MATH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 09-16-21 Add
1301 Calculus II () MATH
Appears to omit significant components such as volumes of revolution by slicing.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 12-31-24 Add
BIO 1001A Biology for Science I (4) BIOLOGY 100-level dept 4 08-31-33 Add
BIO 1002B Biology for Sciences II (4) BIOLOGY 100-level dept 4 08-31-33 Add
CAL 1000A Calculus I () MATH
For reevaluation requests, submit detailed topics list or exams directly to U-M Math Department.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 12-31-24 Add
CALC 1500 + 1501 Calculus I & II () MATH 116 4 12-31-25 Add
ES 1021 Properties of Materials (0.5) Not Transferable
This course with MME 4424 Mechanical Properties of Materials is not transferable to MECHENG.
08-31-31 Add
ES 1036 Programming Fundamentals for Engineers (3) ENGR
Programming in Java. Missing C++ and Matlab.
100-level dept 3 12-31-34 Add
MATH 1225b Methods of Calculus (0.5) MATH 100-level dept 3 12-31-28 Add
MATH 1229A Methods of Matrix Algebra (0.5) MATH 100-level dept 12-31-28 Add
MATH 1229A Methods of Matrix Algebra () MATH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 09-16-21 Add
MATH 1230 Calculus For Social Sciences () MATH 100-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MME 4424 Mechanical Properties of Materials (0.5) Not Transferable
This course with ES 1021 Properties of Materials is not transferable to MECHENG.
08-31-31 Add
PHYS 1401A Introductory Physics I (5) PHYSICS 140, 141 5 12-31-26 Add
PHYS 1402B Introductory Physics II (5) PHYSICS 240, 241 5 12-31-26 Add
SE 2205 Algorithms and Data Structures for Object Oriented Design (3) EECS
No pre-evaluation for U-M EECS 280 or EECS 281. AFTER taking the course, CURRENT students may request evaluation. The evaluation will involve an interview, test, and/or programming assignment (note that equivalence is rarely granted). Contact for more information on that procedure.
200-level dept 3 12-31-34 Add
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College of Engineering - Recruitment and Admissions
153 Chrysler Center
2121 Bonisteel Boulevard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2092
(734) 647-7101
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