Chongqing University

Location: Chongqing, Sichuan, China

General Notes: Has partnership classes with U Cincinnati -- evaluations are here.

Evaluated Courses and UM Equivalencies

Subject # Title (Credits) Online UM Subject Catalog Credits Expires Backpack
1020 Engineering Foundations (2) Not Transferable 12-31-25 Add
2050C Network Analysis (5) EECS 215 4 12-31-25 Add
Advanced English Language Skills (3) ENGCMPTC 100-level dept 3 08-31-25 Add
CST 21104 Data Structure (2.5) EECS 200-level dept 2.5 08-31-31 Add
Calculus I () MATH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
115 4 12-31-23 Add
Calculus II () MATH
Appears to omit significant components such as volumes of revolution by slicing. CU Calculus I and Calculus II combined can be U-M MATH 116.
Equivalency expires soon. Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 4 12-31-24 Add
Critical Reading and Writing in English (3) ENGCMPTC
If two courses evaluated as this are taken, one can be ENGLISH 125.
100-level dept 3 08-31-25 Add
EECE 1080C C++ Programming (4) EECS
Course in C++. Credit for only one: EECS 183 or ENGR 101. This course has no Matlab. Check with your program advisor about attending an online or on-campus Matlab tutorial before enrolling in courses that assume knowledge of Matlab.
183 4 08-31-25 Add
EECE 3076 Signals and Systems II (3) EECS 216 3 12-31-25 Add
EECS 2060C Digital Design (4) Not Transferable 12-31-25 Add
EECS 2077 Semiconductor Devices (3) EECS 320 4 12-31-25 Add
ENLS 10021 Academic English Listening and Note Taking () Not Transferable 08-31-25 Add
MATH 10018 Mathematical Analysis of Engineering (I) () MATH 100-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH 10028 Mathematical Analysis of Engineering () MATH 215 12-31-26 Add
MATH 10311 & 10312 Advanced Algebra and Analytic Geometry (II-1) & (II-2) () MATH 214 12-31-26 Add
MATH 20231 Advanced Algebra and Analytic Geometry (3) () MATH 217 12-31-26 Add
MATH 21131 & 10111 Mathematical Analysis(3) & Mathematical Analysis(1) () MATH 451 12-31-26 Add
MATH 21131 Mathematical Analysis (3) () MATH 400-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH 30084 Linear Algebra () MATH 200-level dept 3 12-31-26 Add
MATH 30085 Ordinary Differential Equations () MATH 200-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH 60101 Ordinary Differential Equations () MATH 300-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MATH 60102 Real Analysis () MATH 551 12-31-26 Add
MATH 60401 Probability Theory () MATH 425 12-31-26 Add
MATH 62024 Mathematical Experiments () MATH 462 12-31-26 Add
MECH 1072 Engineering Design Graphics (4) Not Transferable
CAD-type classes are never transferable.
08-31-31 Add
Modern Chinese History in the View of Literature (2) ASIAN 100-level dept 2 08-31-25 Add
Multi-Variable Calculus ()
CU Multi-Variable Calculus + Calculus II can be UM MATH 215 if taken together.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 12-31-23 Add
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