National University of Singapore

Location: Singapore, Singapore

Credit Conversion: 4 Units = 3 Credits

Evaluated Courses and UM Equivalencies

Subject # Title (Credits) Online UM Subject Catalog Credits Expires Backpack
BN 4404 Bioelectromechanical Systems – Biomems (4) BIOMEDE 300-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
CE 1109 Statics and Mechanics of Materials (4) Not Transferable to MECHENG
Not equivalent to any ME courses. No ME dept credit given.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
10-24-22 Add
CE 1109 Statics and Mechanics of Meterials (4) Not Transferable to CEE
Not equivalent to CEE 211 as it does not cover dynamics and some other statics topics. It is a combination of CEE 211 & 212 without covering all the topics from either of them.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
10-17-22 Add
CG 1108 Electrical Engineering (4) EECS
Previously called EG 1108.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
314 4 11-02-22 Add
CN 4249 Engineering Design in Molecular Biotechnology (4) BIOMEDE 300-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
CS 1010 Programming Methodology (4) EECS 200-level dept 4 08-31-32 Add
CS 1010 Programming Methodology (4) ENGR
Can count for ENGR 101 credit, but not as a prerequisite for EECS 280. The course covers programming in Python, but not C/C++ or Matlab, and is given at a level that is roughly equivalent to ENGR 101. Check with instructors or your program advisor before enrolling in courses that assume knowledge of Matlab.
100-level dept 4 08-31-31 Add
CS 1020 Data Structures and Algorithms (4) EECS
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
285 2 11-15-20 Add
CS 1231S Discrete Structures (4) EECS
Student should review computational complexity/big-O prior to enrolling in EECS 281.
203 4 08-31-32 Add
CS 2100 Computer Organization (4) EECS 200-level dept 4 12-31-31 Add
CS 2104 Programming Language Concepts (4) EECS
Not EECS 490.
300-level dept 4 08-31-31 Add
CS 2113 Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming (4) EECS
Not a specific class at UM -- so Not EECS 381 or 481.
200-level dept 4 08-31-31 Add
CS 3245 Information Retrieval (4) EECS 400-level dept 4 12-31-26 Add
CS 4232 Theory of Computation (4) EECS
Not EECS 376 directly. Talk to your advisor. This could count for certain electives.
300-level dept 4 08-31-31 Add
EN 3229 Shakespeare in His Time and Ours (3) ENGLISH 200-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
EN 3241 Literature and Psychoanalysis (3) INTERID 200-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
EN 3253 Strange Times: Issues in Contemporary Literature (3) ENGLISH 300-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
GEC 1045 Forbidden Romance in Modern Times: East and West (4) INTERID 200-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
IE 4220 Supply Chain Modeling (4) IOE
No IOE direct equivlancy. Course can be used as IOE tech electives, in the IOE 440 group.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
400-level dept 3 10-06-22 Add
IE 4230 Quality Engineering II (4) IOE
Course can be used as IOE tech electives, in the IOE 461 group.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
400-level dept 3 10-06-22 Add
IE 4242 Cost Analysis and Management (4) Not Transferable to IOE
No IOE direct equivlancy or dept. credit. The course is very simple, similar to what is covered in IOE 201. It cannot be used as 400-level IOE course. It could be used as free electives only.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
10-05-22 Add
IE 4242 Cost Analysis and Management (4) ACC
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 4 10-06-22 Add
JS 3214 Japanese Philosophy and Thought (4) ASIAN 300-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
MA 1101R Linear Algebra I () MATH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
214 04-24-21 Add
MA 1505 Mathematics I (4) MATH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 4 12-31-20 Add
MA 1506 Mathematics II (4) MATH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
216 4 04-06-21 Add
MA 1513 Linear Algebra with Differential Equations () MATH 200-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MA 1521 Calculus for Computing (4) MATH 100-level dept 3 12-31-28 Add
MA 2002 Calculus () MATH 100-level dept 12-31-26 Add
MA 2108 & 3110 Mathematical Analysis I ; Mathematical Analysis II (5, 4) MATH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
451 12-31-23 Add
MA 2214 Combinatorics and Graphs I () MATH
About half of UM MATH 465. MA 2214 + MA 3233 = UM MATH 465.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 08-18-21 Add
MA 2216 Introduction to Probability () MATH
Provided information is insufficient to evaluate the course as equivalent to the University of Michigan mathematics course. Other information such as a detailed topic list or exams should be submitted.
400-level dept 12-31-25 Add
MA 3220 Ordinary Differential Equations () MATH 316 12-31-31 Add
MA 3233 Combinatorics and Graphs II () MATH
MA 2214 + MA 3233 = UM MATH 465.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 08-18-21 Add
PC 2031 Electricity & Magnetism 1 (4) Not Transferable
In order for this course to be evaluated as Physics 240, please send the detailed syllabus to
12-31-32 Add
PL PL1101E Introduction to Psychology (4) PSYCH 100-level dept 4 12-31-26 Add
SC SC1101E Making Sense of Society (4) SOC 100-level dept 4 12-31-26 Add
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