Korea University

Location: Seoul, Korea

Evaluated Courses and UM Equivalencies

Subject # Title (Credits) Online UM Subject Catalog Credits Expires Backpack
265A Introduction to Psychology () PSYCH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
111 SS 06-22-22 Add
Basic Chemistry & Exercise I and II () CHEM 130 08-31-32 Add
Basic Chemistry & Laboratory I and II () CHEM 125/126 08-31-32 Add
Business and Management in Korea (3) BA
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
100-level dept 3 06-30-22 Add
COSE 101 Computer Programming 1 (3) Not Transferable
In order for this course to be evaluated, please send a detailed syllabus to engincredit@umich.edu.
08-31-33 Add
COSE 102 Computer Programming 2 (3) Not Transferable
In order for this course to be evaluated, please send a detailed syllabus to engincredit@umich.edu.
08-31-33 Add
COSE 111 Mathematics for Computer Science I (3) Not Transferable
For a math course evaluation, please submit a course evaluation through the math dept: https://prep.math.lsa.umich.edu/transfercredit/extinstfind
08-31-33 Add
IKL 211A Beginning Korean I-A (3) ASIANLAN
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
135 3 04-09-20 Add
ISC 101A Calculus 1 (4) Not Transferable
In order for this course to be evaluated for MATH 115, please submit a course evaluation through the math dept: https://prep.math.lsa.umich.edu/transfercredit/extinstfind. Along with the course syllabus, you will need examples of exams AND a detailed list of topics covered for the course evaluation.
08-31-34 Add
ISC 101B Calculus 2 (4) Not Transferable
In order for this course to be evaluated for MATH 115, please submit a course evaluation through the math dept: https://prep.math.lsa.umich.edu/transfercredit/extinstfind. Along with the course syllabus, you will need examples of exams AND a detailed list of topics covered for the course evaluation.
08-31-34 Add
ISC 105 General Biology I (4) BIOLOGY 100-level dept 4 08-31-34 Add
ISC 107 General Chemistry I (3) CHEM 100-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
ISC 207A Statistics (3) STATS
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 3 09-24-20 Add
ISC 207A Statistics (3) MATH
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 3 10-15-20 Add
ISC 282 (or JMCO 436) Mass Media and Popular Culture in Korea (3) ASIAN
Course may have a different course code & abbreviation.
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
300-level dept 3 HU 04-09-20 Add
ISC 292 Organic Chemistry (3) CHEM 210 3 08-31-34 Add
ISC 293 Introduction to Computer Science (3) Not Transferable
The course covers a broad introduction to computer science, but does not contain sufficient coverage and depth of instruction on introductory programming for equivalency with ENGR 101x.
08-31-34 Add
ISC 360 Heat Transfer (3) MECHENG 335 3 08-31-34 Add
ISC 383 Korean Literature and Culture (3) ASIAN
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
301x 3 HU 04-14-20 Add
ISC 421 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3) EECS 400-level dept 3 08-31-34 Add
IWC 289 Korean Wave on a Global Perspective (3) INTERSS
Equivalency expired! Submit for reevaluation.
200-level dept 3 SS 11-07-22 Add
MATH Calculus with Lab I (3) MATH 100-level dept 3 12-31-28 Add
MATH Calculus with Lab II (3) MATH 215 3 12-31-28 Add
STAT 232 Mathematical Statistics (3) STATS 426 3 08-31-26 Add
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